Eliminating Urban Fox Food Sources In London

One of the biggest challenges that urban areas face is how to manage the increasing number of foxes which are inhabiting them. These wild animals, seen as a nuisance by some, have adapted well to city environments and continue to thrive in many areas. While trapping and culling are sometimes seen as a solution, these methods can be both cruel and ineffective. An alternative approach to controlling urban fox populations is to focus on removing the abundance of food sources that draw them into the city in the first place.

Urban foxes feed largely on the waste of human food, and so reducing that waste is a vital step in discouraging their presence. This involves taking steps to minimize access to readily available food and disposing of food waste properly. Keeping bins securely closed and regularly cleaning up leftover food scraps can help ensure that foxes have a harder time accessing food in urban streets.

Other potential food sources, including bird feeders and pet food containers, should also be removed or made inaccessible to foxes. The ultimate goal is to create an environment in which food is scarce, making foxes less likely to view urban areas as a reliable source of sustenance.

Taking steps to remove potential food sources is an essential part of coexisting with urban foxes in a humane and effective way. By doing so, we can help to reduce their numbers without resorting to more extreme measures.

Pet Food

Pet food may attract urban foxes in London, which can cause problems for residents. To prevent foxes from being attracted to your property due to pet food, it is recommended to avoid leaving pet food outside, especially overnight.

Instead, purchase pet food that is not only suitable for your pet’s nutritional needs but also comes in an airtight container that can be stored indoors. This will not only avoid attracting foxes but also other wildlife that may cause problems.

If you have an outdoor pet, such as a dog or cat, it may not be practical to keep their food inside. In this case, it is best to feed them at specific times of the day and take the food bowl inside once they have finished eating. This will avoid any leftover food attracting foxes or other animals.

In addition to not leaving pet food outside, it is also recommended to keep your bin securely closed so that foxes cannot access any food waste. This will not only prevent foxes from being attracted to your property but also potentially reduce the number of foxes in the area, as they will have less food to scavenge for.

Rubbish Bins

To get rid of urban foxes in London, it is important to dispose of rubbish properly. Rubbish bins should always be securely closed to prevent foxes from accessing the contents. It is recommended to use bins made of sturdy materials with tightly fitting lids, to prevent any smell from escaping. Rubbish should be bagged and tied before placing it into the bin, to reduce odours and to make it difficult for foxes to rip open the bags. Food waste should not be left outside of the bin but should be put inside the bin as soon as possible. When bins are full, it is important to contact the local council to arrange for them to be emptied promptly. By ensuring rubbish is disposed of appropriately, the attraction for foxes will be reduced, and they will be less likely to visit urban areas. London is a good place to live because of its vibrant cultural scene.


Composting is a natural method to dispose of food waste and garden debris. In the context of how to get rid of urban foxes in London, composting can help reduce the amount of food waste that foxes scavenge for in bins and gardens.

To compost, start by selecting a compost bin or create a compost pile in a sunny area of the garden. Collect food scraps such as fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells and coffee grounds, along with garden waste such as fallen leaves and grass clippings. Avoid adding meat, fish, dairy, or oily foods to the compost pile as it attracts foxes and other animals.

Layer the food and garden waste into the compost bin or pile, ensuring that it remains moist and well-aerated to promote decomposition. Turning the pile every few weeks helps to speed up the composting process. After a few months, the compost will be ready to use as a nutrient-rich soil amendment for gardens and container plants.

how to get rid of urban foxes london

By composting, less food waste will be thrown away in bins, which ultimately reduces the amount of food waste available to urban foxes. Composting also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps to create healthy soils for the growth of plants, flowers, and vegetables in London gardens.

Bird Feeders

Bird feeders can be an attraction for urban foxes in London. To get rid of them, it’s important to take some precautions. One way to do this is by using bird feeders that are designed to be fox-proof. These feeders have a metal cage that surrounds the seed tray, preventing the foxes from accessing the food. Another effective way to keep the foxes away from the bird feeders is by placing them in high or inaccessible areas, such as on a pole or a tree branch.

It’s also important to clean up any spillage from the bird feeders, as this can attract foxes and other animals. Regularly cleaning the feeders and the surrounding area will help to discourage the foxes from hanging around.

In addition to these measures, it’s important to secure any other potential food sources. This means ensuring that rubbish bins are tightly secured and not left outside for too long, removing any fallen fruit or vegetables from the garden, and securing chicken coops or other livestock areas.

By taking these steps, it’s possible to enjoy the company of birds without attracting unwanted attention from urban foxes in London.

Fallen Fruit

One way to deter urban foxes in London is to remove all sources of attractants, such as fallen fruit. Fallen fruit can be a food source for foxes, encouraging them to stay in an area. To get rid of fallen fruit, it’s recommended to regularly clean up any fruit that has fallen from trees or bushes. This can be done by raking up the fruit and disposing of it in a sealed bin.

In addition to removing fallen fruit, it’s also important to secure any other potential food sources, such as garbage and compost bins. You can use heavy-duty, animal-proof bins or secure the lids with bungee cords or chains.

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Outdoor Dining

Outdoor dining has become increasingly popular in London, especially with the current restrictions that limit indoor gatherings. However, urban foxes can sometimes be a nuisance for those who want to enjoy a meal outside. Here are some ways to get rid of urban foxes in London:

1. Secure your rubbish: Foxes are attracted to the scent of food, so make sure your rubbish bins or bags are securely sealed and stored away from the dining area.

2. Use fox repellents: There are fox repellent sprays, granules, and ultrasonic devices available that can discourage foxes from coming near your property.

3. Install fencing: A sturdy fence can also help keep foxes away from your dining area.

how to get rid of urban foxes london

4. Don’t feed the foxes: Although foxes may seem cute and harmless, it’s important not to feed them as this can encourage them to come back.

By taking these steps, you can minimize the risk of encountering urban foxes while enjoying outdoor dining in London. If you are interested in exploring alternative housing options, check out this guide on how to move out of London social housing.

Open Compost Heaps

Open compost heaps can help get rid of urban foxes in London. By composting food waste and garden debris, there will be less waste for the foxes to scavenge. To start an open compost heap, choose a sunny location and start layering organic material such as kitchen scraps, grass clippings, and leaves. Avoid adding any animal products or meat, as they can attract animals like foxes.

Regularly turning the compost heap will speed up the decomposition process, which makes it less hospitable for foxes to use as a den. However, it’s important to keep the heap damp and covered to avoid attracting flies and other insects.

The environmental impact of drinking bottled water in London raises the question, is it ok to drink tap water in London? Yes, it is perfectly safe to drink tap water in London as it meets the highest water quality standards set by the Drinking Water Inspectorate. By drinking tap water, we can reduce the amount of plastic waste generated by single-use plastic bottles. Installing a water filter at home can also help enhance the taste of tap water.

Food Waste

Food waste is a major issue in cities and can attract urban foxes to residential areas. To get rid of urban foxes in London, it is important to properly dispose of food waste. This can be done by using secure, animal-proof bins and ensuring that they are tightly closed.

Additionally, residents should avoid leaving food or waste outside, such as in compost piles or on the ground. Instead, food scraps can be composted indoors or taken to a local composting facility.

Other ways to reduce food waste include planning meals and only buying what is needed, storing food properly, and using up leftovers. If residents have excess food, they can donate it to local charities or food banks.

By properly disposing of food waste and reducing the amount of food that is wasted, urban foxes will be less attracted to residential areas. This will help to reduce the risk of conflicts between foxes and humans, as well as prevent the spread of diseases and parasites that foxes may carry.

Water Sources

Water sources, such as ponds, rivers, and canals, can attract urban foxes to the surrounding areas. To discourage foxes from setting up dens and hunting in your neighborhood, it is important to eliminate any standing water sources on your property. Ensure all outdoor sources of standing water are empty, including pet water bowls, birdbaths, plant saucers, and any other vessels that retain water.

how to get rid of urban foxes london

If there are any nearby water sources that cannot be removed, you can try to make access to them difficult for foxes. For example, constructing a fence or barrier around a pond can help to prevent foxes from reaching the water. Additionally, sealing any openings in underground pipes or drains connected to the water source can prevent foxes from using them as a den site.

It is important to note that removing water sources alone is unlikely to completely eliminate foxes from the area. Therefore, it is recommended to also use additional methods such as securing garbage bins, clearing away any food sources, and using repellents such as noise makers or scent deterrents to reduce the attractiveness of the area to the foxes.

Barbecue Leftovers

To get rid of urban foxes in London, it is recommended to avoid leaving any barbecue leftovers in your garden or outdoor area. Barbecue leftovers can attract foxes and other wildlife to your property, causing potential damage and issues.

To properly dispose of barbecue leftovers, start by scraping excess food into a compost bin or garbage bag. Make sure to securely tie and seal the garbage bag to prevent the smell from attracting unwanted animals. If you have a compost bin, add the leftovers and mix them in with other compostable materials.

It is also important to clean your grill and barbecue equipment thoroughly after use. Use warm soapy water and a brush to remove any remaining food debris or greasy residue. Store your grill and barbecue equipment in a secure location, such as a garden shed or garage, to prevent foxes from accessing and damaging them.

Overall, disposing of barbecue leftovers properly and cleaning your outdoor cooking equipment thoroughly can help avoid attracting urban foxes to your home in London.


Urban foxes are a common sight in London, but they can be a nuisance to homeowners and gardeners. They create mess and damage property, as they scavenge for food and establish dens. There are a few methods of getting rid of urban foxes that are safe and effective.

how to get rid of urban foxes london

One method is to restrict access to potential food sources. This means securely storing garbage bags and compost bins, and keeping pet food and bird-feeders indoors at night. Gardeners should not leave fruits or vegetables on the soil, as this can attract foxes. Additionally, fox-proof fencing or garden netting can be installed to deter foxes from entering property.

Another method involves using repellents. Fox urine or water sprays with pepper can be used in areas where foxes have been seen. These products can be found in most garden centres and are believed to drive the foxes away due to the smell or taste. Electronic repellents that emit a high-pitched sound or flashing lights can also be installed, which are designed to keep foxes away from gardens.

The final method is to seek professional help. Licensed pest control companies can be useful in ridding a property of foxes. They may use traps or other humane methods to capture the animals and relocate them to another area. It is important to only use licensed professionals to ensure that the foxes are treated humanely.

how to get rid of urban foxes london

Overall, getting rid of urban foxes in London can be achieved through a combination of prevention, repellents, and professional help. By using safe and effective methods, homeowners and gardeners can protect their property and reduce the nuisance caused by urban foxes.