The Evolution Of Derry To Londonderry: A Historical Timeline

Derry, a city located in the northwest of Northern Ireland, has a rich and complex history that spans over a millennium. Originally settled by the Gaelic tribe of the O’Neills, the city played a significant role in the plantation of Ulster in the 17th century and witnessed the Siege of Derry in 1689 during the Williamite War. One of the most contentious aspects of Derry’s history, however, is its name change to Londonderry, which has been a subject of debate and controversy for decades.

The origins of the name Derry go back to the Irish language, where it is known as Doire or Doire Cholmcille, meaning “oak grove of Colmcille.” The city became known as Derry in the early 17th century when the Plantation of Ulster was underway, and English settlers began to establish a new town at the site of the O’Neill stronghold. However, in the late 17th century, the city underwent a name change that continues to spark debate to this day.

In 1613, the city was granted a royal charter that officially recognized it as Londonderry, a name that was intended to reflect the city’s status as a new English settlement in the north of Ireland. The name change, however, was not universally accepted, and it has remained a contentious issue in the city ever since.

Settlement Of Derry

The settlement of Derry began in 1613, when English and Scottish settlers were encouraged to establish a colony in the area. The city grew and prospered over the next several centuries, becoming an important center for trade and commerce.

In 1689, during the Williamite War in Ireland, the city of Derry withstood a siege by forces loyal to James II. This event has become known as the Siege of Derry, and it is celebrated annually by residents of the city.

In 1913, a resolution was passed by the local council to change the name of the city from Derry to Londonderry, in order to emphasize its British heritage. The decision was controversial, with many residents of the city wishing to keep the traditional name. The name change was officially recognized by the British government in 1928.

In recent years, there has been considerable debate over the name of the city, with some advocating for a return to the original name of Derry. However, at present, the official name of the city remains Londonderry.

Plantation Of Ulster

Plantation of Ulster refers to the colonization of Ulster by English and Scottish settlers during the 17th century. The process began in 1607 after the Flight of the Earls and continued over the next few decades. The aim of the Plantation was to bring more control to the region, which had been largely resistant to English authority. By settling English and Scottish Protestants in Ulster, the English Crown hoped to shift the religious balance of power away from the Irish Catholic majority.

The city of Derry was founded during this period and was originally called “Londonderry” by the English settlers. The name was later shortened to “Derry” by the Irish, who continued to resist English rule in the region. In modern times, the city’s name has been a point of controversy and remains a subject of debate.

However, in 1984, the UK government declared that both “Londonderry” and “Derry” were acceptable names for the city. This decision reflects the complex history of the region and the ongoing tensions between different communities.

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Siege Of Derry

The Siege of Derry occurred between December 1688 and August 1689 during the Williamite War in Ireland. The Protestant city of Derry was besieged by Catholic forces loyal to James II. The siege was finally lifted when a relief fleet came to the aid of the city. The Siege of Derry was a significant event in Irish history and is still commemorated each year by the Apprentice Boys of Derry.

The name of the city has been a source of controversy over the years. In 1613, the City of Derry was granted a charter by King James I, which established it as a city. However, in 1984, the name of the city was changed to Londonderry by an act of Parliament. Some people continue to call the city Derry, while others refer to it as Londonderry.

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when did derry change to londonderry

City Becomes Londonderry

In 1613, the city of Derry was granted a royal charter by King James I. The charter declared the city to be part of the County of Londonderry, with the official name of “Londonderry”. However, the new name was not immediately adopted by the city’s residents, and many continued to call it “Derry”.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tensions grew over the city’s name, with nationalists favoring “Derry” and unionists favoring “Londonderry”. This came to a head during the Troubles in the 1970s, when the city became a hotbed of sectarian violence.

In 1984, the city council voted to officially change the name to “Derry” in order to promote unity and peace. However, this decision was overturned by the government in 1985, and the city’s name remained “Londonderry”.

In recent years, there have been renewed efforts to change the name back to “Derry” in order to reflect the preferences of the city’s residents. These efforts have been met with opposition from unionists, who view the name change as an attack on their identity. Despite ongoing debates, the city continues to officially be known as “Londonderry”.

19Th-Century Industrialisation

The 19th century in Britain saw a period of massive industrialisation, with many regions becoming centres for manufacturing and production. This was no different for Derry, which experienced significant growth during this time. The city became a hub for textiles, with many factories and mills producing a wide range of products such as linen, cloth and other textile goods. The growth of the city also brought with it new employment opportunities and a surge in population.

In the early 1600s, Derry was established as a plantation town by English and Scottish settlers. The city was named after the river Foyle, which flows through the town. In the early 17th century, the name was changed to Londonderry to reflect the new ownership by the London guilds, who controlled the city’s trade. However, in more recent times, there has been a political dispute over the name of the city, with some using Derry as a way to symbolically recognise the city’s history and Irish identity.

In conclusion, the 19th century was a significant period of industrial growth for Derry, which brought with it new opportunities and an increase in population. The city’s name was changed from Derry to Londonderry in the 17th century, but this has been the subject of much political debate in more recent times.

Partition Of Ireland

In 1920, the British Parliament passed the Government of Ireland Act, which created two separate self-governing territories on the island of Ireland, Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. The partition of Ireland was thus established, with Northern Ireland remaining part of the United Kingdom and Southern Ireland becoming an independent state.

Derry, a city in the northeastern part of Ireland, became a significant flashpoint in the years following the partition. The city had a majority Catholic and nationalist population, but was included within the new Northern Ireland territory, which was composed mostly of Protestant and unionist areas.

when did derry change to londonderry

In 1969, tensions in Derry boiled over into widespread civil unrest, known as the Battle of Bogside, which eventually led to the deployment of British troops in Northern Ireland. Amid this instability, in 1973 the local government of Northern Ireland implemented a change to the name of the city, renaming it Londonderry.

when did derry change to londonderry

The new name of the city remains controversial, with many nationalists and republicans continuing to refer to it as Derry. The issue of place names is a touchstone for many in Northern Ireland, symbolizing the larger divide over identity, history, and the future of the region.

Troubles Begin

The troubles in Northern Ireland are often traced back to the early 17th century when English and Scottish settlers began to arrive in Ulster. However, the more recent troubles that began in the late 1960s, can be traced back to the decision to change the name of Derry to Londonderry in 1613. This change, which was made by the English Crown, was seen as an attempt to exert greater control over the Gaelic-speaking inhabitants of the region.

when did derry change to londonderry

The tension surrounding the name of the city grew throughout the 20th century, with Unionists supporting the name Londonderry, and Nationalists preferring the name Derry. In 1969, the simmering tensions boiled over into violent clashes between the two communities, marking the beginning of the Troubles.

When considering how to buy a house in London first time, affordability factors such as location and mortgage rates should be carefully evaluated. Despite the political turmoil in Northern Ireland, the city of Derry-Londonderry remains an attractive destination for homeowners looking for a mix of city and rural living. The affordability of property in the city has improved in recent years, with more properties available at reasonable prices.

Bloody Sunday Incident

Bloody Sunday incident occurred in Derry on 30 January 1972, when British soldiers shot 28 unarmed civilians during a peaceful civil rights march. The event was widely condemned and led to increased tension and violence in the region. The British government initially defended the actions of the soldiers but later apologized for the incident.

The renaming of Derry to Londonderry occurred in the early 17th century when the city, which had been majority Catholic and Gaelic-speaking, was settled by English and Scottish planters who were mostly Protestant. The name was changed to reflect the connection of the city to the London guild of livery companies who had financed the plantation of Ulster.

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Good Friday Agreement

The Good Friday Agreement, signed on April 10, 1998, marked a significant milestone in the history of Northern Ireland. The agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, provided a framework for the devolution of power and the establishment of a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland.

Concerning the name of the city, on December 7, 1984, the name ‘Derry’ was officially changed to ‘Londonderry’ by the Local Government Act. The change in the name has been a source of controversy and tension ever since, with Nationalists preferring the name Derry and Unionists preferring Londonderry.

Under the Good Friday Agreement, however, the issue of the city’s name was not addressed. Instead, the agreement focused on establishing a power-sharing government and addressing other key issues, such as policing and justice, human rights, and the decommissioning of paramilitary weapons.

when did derry change to londonderry

Despite the Good Friday Agreement’s implementation, the issue of the city’s name continued to generate tension and controversy, with some using it as a symbol of their political and cultural identity.

In conclusion, while the Good Friday Agreement did not address the issue of Derry/Londonderry’s name, it provided a framework for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, ushering in a new era of devolved government and cross-community cooperation.

Name Officially Changed To Derry

The official name of the city in Northern Ireland has been a source of controversy for many years. The city was originally named Derry by Irish nationalists, reflecting the historical and cultural significance of the name. However, during the period of British rule, the name was changed to Londonderry, in recognition of the British crown’s ownership. In 1984, the city council decided to officially change the name of the city back to Derry. Although the name has remained contentious, the decision was based on the democratic process, with a clear majority of the council members voting in favor of the change. The decision was celebrated by nationalists and seen as a small step towards a more inclusive and representative society. However, some unionists opposed the change, arguing that it was an attack on their British identity. Despite the controversy, the official name of the city remains Derry, reflecting the long-standing history and cultural heritage of the region.

P.S. Conclusion

Derry, or LondonDerry as it is officially known, is a city in Northern Ireland with a troubled past. The name of the city has been a point of controversy for many years, with many people on both sides of the political divide debating whether it should be called Londonderry or Derry. The issue is steeped in history and politics and has been a source of tension and conflict for centuries.

The name of the city first became Londonderry in 1613, when it was granted a royal charter by King James I. The name was chosen to reflect the city’s close ties with London and the English crown. However, the name was opposed by many of the city’s residents, who continued to refer to it as Derry.

In the early 20th century, tensions between the Protestant and Catholic communities in Northern Ireland began to escalate, and the name of the city became a symbol of the conflict. The Protestant community continued to call the city Londonderry, while the Catholic community preferred the name Derry.

The debate over the name of the city came to a head in the 1960s and 1970s, during the height of the Troubles. The city was the site of a number of violent clashes between the Protestant and Catholic communities, and the issue of the name became increasingly contentious.

In 1984, the city council voted to officially change the name of the city to Londonderry. However, the decision was immediately challenged, and a legal battle ensued. The case went all the way to the High Court, which ruled in 1985 that the name of the city could be changed, but that it would have to be done through the legislative process.

In 1987, a new law was passed that officially changed the name of the city to Londonderry. However, the issue has not been fully resolved, and the name of the city is still a source of controversy and tension in Northern Ireland today. Despite this, Derry/Londonderry remains an important cultural and historic city in the region, and is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.