Comparing The Size Of Singapore And London

Singapore and London are two major cities that are often compared due to their significant economic and cultural contributions to the world. While both cities are known to be bustling and thriving metropolises, one cannot help but wonder how they compare in terms of size. When it comes to physical size, Singapore and London are vastly different. Singapore, located on the southern edge of the Malay Peninsula, covers a total area of 728.3 square kilometers. In contrast, London, the capital of England, covers an area of 1,570 square kilometers, making it over twice the size of Singapore.

While size may be an important factor when comparing these two cities, it is essential to understand that the size of the city is not necessarily an indicator of its importance or value. Both Singapore and London are internationally renowned for their thriving economies, rich cultural heritage, and diverse societies. They also boast numerous attractions and landmarks that have made them popular tourist destinations.

In conclusion, while Singapore may be smaller in physical size than London, it still holds significant importance and has played a vital role in shaping the world we live in today. Likewise, London’s size does not diminish the significant contributions it has made to the global community.


Singapore, a city-state in Southeast Asia, is significantly smaller than London. The total land area of Singapore is approximately 720 square kilometers while the Greater London area covers 1,572 square kilometers. In terms of population, Singapore has around 5.7 million people, while London’s population is around 8.9 million.

Despite its small size, Singapore has built a reputation as a global business hub and a popular tourist destination. It is home to many world-renowned attractions such as the Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay, and Sentosa Island.

Housing prices in Singapore are generally high and vary depending on the location, size, and amenities of the property. The cost of living in Singapore is also considered to be relatively high compared to other Southeast Asian countries.

Housing prices in London vary depending on the location, size, and amenities of the property. To find out more, check out how much does it cost to live in London.


Singapore is considerably smaller than London. Singapore covers an area of approximately 728.3 square kilometers, while London covers an area of 1,569 square kilometers. In terms of population, Singapore has around 5.6 million people, whereas London has over 8.9 million. One major difference between the two cities is the level of congestion. London is notorious for its heavy traffic, and the congestion charge is one way of alleviating this. One way to get out of London congestion charge is by carpooling with others. However, in Singapore, the public transit system is well established, and people are encouraged to use it to reduce congestion on the roads. Despite its small size, Singapore is a bustling city-state that is constantly evolving and growing.


Singapore is an island city-state located in Southeast Asia. The total land area of Singapore is around 728.3 square kilometers and is one of the smallest countries in the world. In comparison, London is not an island but rather a city located in the southeast of England. London covers an area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers.

Therefore, Singapore is significantly smaller than London in terms of land area. However, Singapore is densely populated, with a population of over 5.6 million, making it one of the most densely populated countries in the world. In contrast, London has a population of around 8.9 million people, making it one of the largest and most populated cities in Europe.

Despite Singapore’s small size, it is a highly developed and modern city-state, with a bustling economy and world-renowned landmarks, such as the Marina Bay Sands casino and resort, Gardens by the Bay, and the iconic Merlion statue. Overall, while Singapore may be a small island, it has left a big impression on the world stage.


When we compare Singapore with London in terms of size, we find that there is a significant difference between the two cities. Singapore spans over an area of 728.3 square kilometers, while London covers an area of 1,572 square kilometers. Therefore, Singapore is much smaller than London.

Despite its smaller size, Singapore is known for its well-planned urban development and infrastructure that offers an efficient transport system and smooth connectivity across the city. On the other hand, London’s size can be daunting for tourists, but the city offers an extensive public transportation network and plenty of options to explore famous landmarks and other tourist attractions.

There are many popular sightseeing attractions to explore in London, but it’s important to research and plan ahead to determine what London charges do I need to pay for admission and activities. No matter the size difference between Singapore and London, both cities offer unique experiences and opportunities for visitors to enjoy.


Singapore is a sovereign city-state in Southeast Asia. It has a total land area of approximately 728.3 square kilometers and a population of around 5.7 million people. In comparison, London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, with an area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers and a population of around 9 million people. Therefore, London is much larger than Singapore both in terms of land area and population. Singapore is often regarded as a global hub for finance, commerce, and transport due to its strategic location, while London is well-known for its historical landmarks, cultural diversity, and vibrant nightlife. Despite their differences in size, both cities are considered major economic and cultural centers in their respective regions, attracting millions of tourists every year.


London is the capital city of the United Kingdom that is located in the southeastern part of England. In terms of its size, London is significantly larger than Singapore. London has a total area of 1,572 square kilometers, while Singapore has a total area of only 728.3 square kilometers. This means that London is more than twice the size of Singapore.

In addition to its larger size, London is also more populous than Singapore. As of 2021, London has a population of over 9 million people, while Singapore has a population of around 5.7 million. This indicates that London is a much larger and more bustling city than Singapore.

Despite its larger size, London and Singapore share many similarities such as being global financial hubs, having rich cultural diversity, and being home to world-renowned landmarks and attractions. However, the vastness of London as compared to Singapore allows for a wider range of experiences from its many boroughs, neighborhoods, and landmarks.


In terms of size, Singapore is significantly smaller than London. The land area of Singapore is approximately 728.3 square kilometers, while the land area of Greater London is approximately 1,569.4 square kilometers. This means that Singapore is less than half the size of London. Despite its small size, Singapore is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with a population of approximately 5.7 million people. On the other hand, Greater London has a population of approximately 8.9 million people, making it one of the most populous cities in Europe. Due to its small size, Singapore has limited land for development, which has led to the creation of innovative solutions such as high-density living and vertical gardens. Despite its small size, Singapore has a thriving economy and is a major hub for trade and finance in Southeast Asia. Overall, while Singapore may be small in size compared to London, it has a lot to offer and is a unique and exciting place to visit or live in.


Singapore is significantly smaller than London. In terms of land area, Singapore spans only 728.3 square kilometers, while London covers 1,572 square kilometers. This means that London is more than twice the size of Singapore. However, despite its small size, Singapore has managed to establish itself as a vibrant and well-developed city-state. It is home to a diverse population, advanced infrastructure, and a thriving economy. Singapore has also gained international recognition as a hub for finance, trade, and tourism. On the other hand, London is one of the most populous and influential cities in the world. It is known for its rich history, cultural landmarks, and diverse communities. Though Singapore may be smaller in size, it remains a cosmopolitan city that has managed to position itself on the global stage.


England is a country in the United Kingdom. Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia. When comparing the sizes of these two places, it can be noted that Singapore is much smaller than London. Singapore’s land area is approximately 726 square kilometers, while London’s land area is approximately 1,572 square kilometers. To put it into perspective, you could fit more than two Singapores into London.

For those wondering what to buy in London as a gift, consider a bottle of premium whisky from a local distillery.


Singapore is significantly smaller than London, both in terms of land area and population. The total land area of Singapore is approximately 728.3 square kilometers, while London’s land area is about 1,572 square kilometers. In terms of population, Singapore has an estimated population of 5.8 million as of 2020, while London’s population is estimated to be around 9 million. Singapore is often referred to as a “city-state” due to its small size and highly urbanized landscape. Despite its small size, Singapore has gained global recognition for its impressive economic growth, social stability, and well-developed infrastructure. The country is highly regarded for its clean streets, efficient public transportation system, and unparalleled efficiency, earning its reputation as one of the most livable cities in the world. Overall, while Singapore may be small in size, its achievements in various fields have put it on the map as an important player in the global community.


In 2020, Singapore’s population was approximately 5.7 million people, while London’s population was approximately 9.3 million people. Therefore, London’s population is significantly larger than Singapore’s population.

5.7 Million

In terms of population, Singapore has a population of around 5.7 million people according to the latest available data. This is significantly smaller than the population of London, which has a population of around 9 million people. Despite this difference, Singapore is still a bustling and vibrant city-state, boasting a highly developed economy and an impressive level of infrastructure.

Compared to London, Singapore is a much smaller city-state, covering an area of just 728 square kilometers, while London is almost 10 times larger, with an area of 7,650 square kilometers. Despite this difference in size, Singapore is a highly urbanized country, with a reputation for being a global hub for finance, business, and technology.

When comparing Singapore to London, it’s important to note that both cities have their own unique qualities and strengths. While Singapore may be smaller in terms of population and size, it more than makes up for this with its advanced infrastructure, innovative economy, and thriving cultural scene.


In terms of population, Singapore is significantly smaller than London. According to 2020 estimates, Singapore has a population of approximately 5.7 million people, while London’s population is around 8.96 million people. This means that London has a population almost double that of Singapore.

However, despite its smaller size, Singapore is known for its multicultural population. The country is home to a diverse mix of ethnic groups, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Eurasian. This diversity is reflected in Singapore’s food, language, and cultural traditions.

Similarly, London is also known for its diverse population. The city is home to people from all over the world, with over 300 different languages spoken throughout the capital. This has contributed to London’s vibrant culture and cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Overall, while Singapore may have a smaller population compared to London, both cities are home to diverse communities that contribute to their unique identities.


London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. Its population in 2021 is estimated to be approximately 9 million people. In comparison, Singapore is a small island city-state located in Southeast Asia with an estimated population of around 5.8 million people. Therefore, London is almost double the size of Singapore in terms of population. In terms of land area, Singapore covers a total of 728.3 square kilometers, while London covers an area of 1,572 square kilometers. Therefore, London is more than twice the size of Singapore in terms of land area. The two cities have very different histories, cultures, and ways of life. London is a global hub for finance, education, arts, and entertainment, whereas Singapore is known for its efficient infrastructure, business-friendly policies, and diverse food culture. Despite their differences, both cities have become important centers of commerce and industry, attracting people from all over the world to live, work, and study there.


In 2021, the estimated population of Singapore is around 5.7 million people. In contrast, the estimated population of London in 2021 is around 9.3 million people. Therefore, London’s population is much larger than Singapore’s by almost 3.6 million people. This is due to a variety of factors, such as the size of the countries they are located in, historical migration patterns, and economic opportunities. Despite their differences in population size, both cities are important global hubs for commerce, trade, and culture. Singapore is known for its reputation as a clean, green, and efficient city-state, while London is renowned for its diversity, history, and arts and culture. Overall, while Singapore and London may differ significantly in population size, they are both vibrant and important cities that contribute to the global community.

8.9 Million

The population of Singapore as of 2021 is approximately 5.7 million, while the population of London is approximately 8.9 million. This means that London’s population is significantly larger than Singapore’s population. Despite the difference in population size, Singapore is still considered to be an important global city and a major financial center in Southeast Asia. Singapore’s economy is heavily dependent on international trade and investment, and it is home to a large number of multinational corporations. In addition, Singapore has a well-developed infrastructure, including a modern transportation and communication system. Despite its relatively small size, Singapore has a diverse and vibrant culture, with influences from Chinese, Malay, and Indian cultures. Overall, while London’s population is larger than Singapore’s, Singapore still plays an important role in the global economy and has a unique cultural identity.


Singapore is a small nation in Southeast Asia while London is located in the Western part of Europe. The population of Singapore is around 5.7 million while London has a population of about 8.8 million. Despite this difference in population, both cities have a bustling population of people who come from different backgrounds and cultures. Singapore’s population is made up of primarily Chinese, Malay, and Indian ethnicities, while London has a more diverse population with many different ethnic groups represented.

Despite the difference in population, both Singapore and London have a diverse range of people who contribute to the cultural and economic growth of their respective cities. In Singapore, people work in a variety of industries, including finance, technology, and tourism, while in London, people work in media, fashion, and the arts. Singapore and London also attract many international students and expatriates who come to pursue their studies or careers.

Overall, both cities are home to a diverse range of people who bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table. Whether it is through their work, their creativity, or their cultural traditions, the people of Singapore and London help shape the fabric of their cities and contribute to their growth and development.


Singapore is a city-state located in Southeast Asia, and it is one of the smallest countries in the world. In terms of land area, Singapore is only about 728.3 square kilometers. In comparison, London is one of the largest cities in Europe, and it covers an area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers. This means that London is over twice the size of Singapore in terms of land area.

The population of Singapore is around 5.6 million people, and it is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. On the other hand, the population of London is around 8.9 million people, making it one of the largest cities in Europe, and the largest city in the United Kingdom.

Despite its relatively small size, Singapore is a global financial hub, and it is one of the world’s busiest ports. It is also a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors every year due to its unique blend of cultures, excellent food, and modern infrastructure. Overall, while Singapore may be small compared to other major cities like London, it has a significant global impact and plays an important role in the global economy.


According to recent data, Singapore covers a land area of approximately 728.3 square kilometers, while London covers a land area of 1,570 square kilometers. This means that, in terms of size, London is over twice as large as Singapore.

However, it is important to note that population density must also be taken into account when considering the size of each city. While Singapore may be smaller in land area, it has a population of roughly 5.7 million people, leading to a population density of around 7,804 people per square kilometer. In contrast, London has a population of around 9.3 million people, leading to a population density of around 5,921 people per square kilometer.

Overall, while London may be physically larger than Singapore, the population density of each city impacts how “big” they feel to their inhabitants.

728.3 Km²

Singapore’s total land area is approximately 728.3 km², which is roughly 0.08% of the size of London. To provide some perspective, London’s total land area is approximately 1,572 km², making it much larger than Singapore. Additionally, London’s population is also much larger than Singapore’s, with an estimated 9.3 million people compared to Singapore’s 5.7 million people. Despite their size differences, both cities are important global centers for business, finance, and culture, attracting millions of visitors each year. While London is known for its iconic landmarks such as Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, and Big Ben, Singapore is known for its futuristic architecture, vibrant food scene, and impressive skyline. Overall, both cities have their own unique personalities, and while Singapore may be smaller in size compared to London, it still has a lot to offer.

Land Area

The land area of Singapore is significantly smaller than that of London. According to the latest data, Singapore covers a total area of around 728 square kilometers, while London covers an area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers. This means that London is roughly twice the size of Singapore in terms of land area.

However, the population density of Singapore is much higher than that of London. Singapore has a population of over 5.7 million people, while London has a population of around 8.9 million people. This means that Singapore is more densely populated than London, with around 7,804 people per square kilometer compared to London’s 5,650 people per square kilometer.

Despite its small size, Singapore has managed to become one of the most developed countries in the world, with a strong economy and high standard of living. Its small land area has led to a focus on urban planning and development, with green spaces and public parks integrated into the city’s infrastructure. In contrast, London’s larger land area has meant that it has a greater diversity of neighborhoods, with green spaces and open areas spread throughout the city.


London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. To understand the size comparison between London and Singapore, it is essential to consider their land area and population. London covers an area of around 1,572 square kilometers and has a population of over 8.9 million people as of 2021. In contrast, Singapore occupies a land area of approximately 728 square kilometers and has a population of around 5.7 million people as of 2021.

Therefore, London is almost twice as big as Singapore in terms of land area and has a population that is about 1.5 times greater. Despite the size difference, both cities are significant global hubs for business, finance, and culture, attracting a diverse range of people from all over the world. London also has a rich history, and its landmarks such as the Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and the Big Ben are some of the most well-known in the world, drawing millions of visitors each year. While Singapore may be considerably smaller in size, it is known for its efficient transportation systems, well-planned layout, and being a popular tourist destination, showcasing its unique blend of cultures, traditions and modern developments.


Singapore is significantly smaller than London. London has an area of 1,572 km², while Singapore’s land area is only 728.3 km². London’s population is also much larger, with over 8 million people, compared to Singapore’s population of just over 5 million. Despite its smaller size, Singapore has managed to establish itself as a leading global center for trade, finance, and tourism. The city-state has a highly developed economy and some of the world’s busiest ports, as well as world-class attractions like the Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay. Singapore’s small size has also allowed it to prioritize sustainable development and conservation of natural resources. In contrast, London’s size and history have led to a denser population and greater need for transportation infrastructure, such as its iconic Tube network. While Singapore may be small, it has made significant contributions to the global economy and continues to be a thriving city-state.

1,570 Km²

Singapore has a land area of 728.3 km², while London, on the other hand, takes up a much larger space, which is around 1,570 km². This means that London is more than twice as big as Singapore. In terms of population, London has around 9 million people, which is approximately 13 times bigger than Singapore’s population of around 700,000.

The land area of London includes many boroughs or districts, such as West London, East London, and Central London, among others. The city also covers parts of the Thames River, which adds to its land area.

On the other hand, Singapore is a small island nation located in Southeast Asia. Despite its small size, Singapore has managed to grow into an economic powerhouse and one of the most developed countries globally. The city-state is known for its progressive policies, efficient transportation system, and high standard of living.

Overall, while London is much larger than Singapore in terms of land area, both cities offer unique and diverse cultures and experiences for residents and visitors alike.

Land Area

Singapore’s land area is around 728.3 square kilometers, while London’s land area is roughly 1,572 square kilometers. Therefore, London’s land area is approximately twice that of Singapore. However, despite being smaller in size, Singapore has a higher population density than London. Singapore’s population density is approximately 7,987 people per square kilometer, while London’s population density is approximately 5,695 people per square kilometer. This is due to Singapore’s urbanization policy, which has led to high-rise buildings and the development of public transportation systems.

how big is singapore compared to london


Singapore is an island city-state located in Southeast Asia, with a total land area of approximately 728.3 square kilometers. In comparison to London, Singapore is much smaller, as the latter has a land area of around 1,572 square kilometers. This means that London is over twice the size of Singapore in terms of land area. However, Singapore is still a bustling metropolis and one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with a population of approximately 5.7 million people. In contrast to Singapore’s small size, London has a much larger population of around 8.9 million people, making it one of the most populous cities in Europe. Despite their differences in size, both cities are major centers of finance, commerce, and culture, with London being a global hub for industries such as finance, media, and fashion, and Singapore being known for its strong economy, advanced infrastructure, and multicultural society.


Tropical refers to an environment characterized by hot and humid weather conditions that are prevalent in Singapore. Singapore is a small island nation located near the equator in Southeast Asia, with a land area measuring approximately 728.3 square kilometers. Meanwhile, London, the capital city of United Kingdom, is located in a region with a temperate maritime climate, with a land area of approximately 1,570 square kilometers.

Therefore, Singapore is almost four times smaller than London in terms of land area. Despite its small size, Singapore’s tropical climate attracts millions of tourists each year who come to experience the warm weather and tropical scenery. The tropical climate of Singapore also allows for the growth of lush greenery and wildlife, making it a popular destination for nature lovers. The city-state has also faced challenges related to its tropical climate, such as heavy rainfall and flash floods during the monsoon season. Despite these challenges, Singapore has managed to develop into a highly urbanized and modern city, while preserving its unique tropical character.

how big is singapore compared to london


Singapore and London have different climates, partly because of their geographical locations. Singapore is located near the equator which means it has a Tropical Rainforest climate characterized by high temperatures and rainfall all year round. Its temperature ranges between 24 to 32°C while its annual rainfall is approximately 2,400 mm. On the other hand, London has a temperate maritime climate which is characterized by moderate temperatures and rainfall that is distributed evenly throughout the year. Its temperature ranges between 3 to 23°C while its annual rainfall is approximately 600 mm.

In terms of size, Singapore is much smaller than London. Singapore covers an area of 728.3 square kilometers while London covers an area of 1,570 square kilometers. Despite their size difference, both cities have been affected by climate change such as rising sea levels and heatwaves. To mitigate this, both cities have implemented different measures such as building green infrastructure, promoting energy efficiency, and encouraging public transportation. However, Singapore faces greater challenges related to climate change due to its low-lying terrain and increasing urbanization which can exacerbate the urban heat island effect.


Singapore is located near the equator, which makes the country have a consistently hot and humid climate throughout the year. The temperature in Singapore ranges from 25 to 31 degrees Celsius on average. In comparison, London has a mild, temperate oceanic climate with an average temperature ranging from 4 to 21 degrees Celsius.

When it comes to size, Singapore is much smaller than London. The total area of Singapore is 728.3 square kilometres, while London covers an area of 1,572 square kilometres. To put it in perspective, Singapore could fit into London more than twice. Despite its small size, Singapore is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with a population of over 5.6 million people.

In conclusion, Singapore and London differ greatly in terms of climate and size. While Singapore experiences a consistently hot and humid climate throughout the year, London has a mild, temperate climate. Singapore is much smaller than London and is also more densely populated.


In terms of humidity, Singapore is generally more humid compared to London. This is because Singapore is located near the equator which means it experiences a tropical climate with high temperatures and high humidity levels all year round. On average, Singapore has a relative humidity of around 80-90%.

On the other hand, London has a humid maritime climate which is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. Although it may rain frequently in London, its humidity levels generally remain around 70% throughout the year.

In terms of size, Singapore is much smaller than London. Singapore has a land area of around 728 square kilometers while Greater London has a land area of around 1,579 square kilometers. Singapore’s compact size means that it is easier to navigate and get around, with shorter travelling distances between places.

Overall, while both cities have their own unique climates and sizes, Singapore tends to be more humid compared to London.


London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, located in the southeast of England. In terms of size, London has an area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers. Singapore, on the other hand, is a small island city-state in Southeast Asia with an area of 728.3 square kilometers. Therefore, London is more than twice the size of Singapore. Despite its smaller size, Singapore has a population of over 5.6 million people, making it one of the most densely populated countries in the world. In comparison, the population of London is around 9 million people. The city of London is a global hub for finance, culture, and tourism, and is home to some of the world’s most iconic landmarks, such as the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. In contrast, Singapore is known for its efficiency, cleanliness, and high standard of living, and is a major economic center in Southeast Asia. Despite their differences in size and culture, both London and Singapore are important global cities in their own right.


Temperate refers to a climate characterized by mild temperatures, neither too hot nor too cold. Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate, while London has a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in Singapore is around 27°C, and in London, it is around 11°C. Singapore is located close to the equator, while London is farther away, which is why the two cities have different climates.

As for the size of the two cities, Singapore is much smaller than London. The total land area of Singapore is around 728 square kilometers, while London is around 1,570 square kilometers. This means that London is more than twice the size of Singapore. Despite its small size, Singapore is a densely populated city-state with a population of around 5.7 million, while London has a population of around 8.9 million. This means that Singapore has a higher population density than London.

Overall, while Singapore and London have different climates and sizes, they are both vibrant and thriving cities that attract visitors from around the world.


Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate characterized by high humidity, high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year. In contrast, London has a temperate maritime climate with cool temperatures, cloudy skies, and moderate rainfall throughout the year.

In terms of size, Singapore is relatively small compared to London, with a land area of 728.3 square kilometers, while London has a land area of 1,572 square kilometers. Despite their size difference, both cities face different challenges when it comes to climate change. Singapore, being an island city-state, is vulnerable to rising sea levels and extreme weather events such as floods and tropical storms. To mitigate these risks, the government has implemented comprehensive measures and policies to strengthen the city’s resilience against climate change.

On the other hand, London is susceptible to heatwaves, droughts, and flooding associated with climate change. The city has also implemented various measures to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energy sources. These initiatives aim to combat climate change and minimize its impacts on both the environment and the population.

Overall, despite their differences in climate and size, both cities recognize the importance of taking action against climate change and are adopting strategies to mitigate its impacts.

how big is singapore compared to london


Mild has no relevance in the context of how big is Singapore compared to London. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to write about Mild in this topic. Nevertheless, to answer the question, Singapore is smaller than London. As per the land area, Singapore measures 728.3 square kilometers, while London is 1,572 square kilometers. In terms of the population, Singapore is also smaller, with an estimated 5.7 million people, compared to London’s approximate population of 9 million. Despite being smaller, Singapore is known for its modern infrastructure, efficient transportation system, and remarkable economic growth. In contrast, London has a rich history, vibrant cultural scene, and diverse entertainment options. Both cities have their own unique characteristics, making them popular destinations for travelers around the world.

how big is singapore compared to london


In terms of rainfall, Singapore receives significantly more rain than London. Singapore is located in a tropical climate and has a year-round humid, wet weather pattern. The city-state receives an average of 234cm of rainfall per year, with the most rainfall occurring between November and January. In contrast, London’s climate is classified as temperate oceanic and experiences a higher variation in temperature and precipitation throughout the year. London receives an average of 23cm of rainfall per year.

In terms of city size, Singapore is much smaller than London. Singapore’s land area is only 728.3 square kilometers, compared to London’s 1,572 square kilometers. While Singapore is densely populated, it is significantly smaller geographically than London. Despite its small size, Singapore has managed to become a hub for business and tourism, with a thriving economy and a cosmopolitan population.


Singapore is a sovereign city-state located in Southeast Asia. The country has a land area of approximately 728.3 square kilometers. In comparison to Singapore, London is a major global city located in the United Kingdom. The city covers an area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers, making it considerably larger than Singapore. Despite its smaller size, Singapore is a highly developed and prosperous country, with a diverse economy and a reputation for being one of the world’s most livable cities. The country has a population of around 5.7 million people, which is significantly smaller than the population of London, which is estimated to be over 9 million people. Despite their differences in size and population, both cities are major economic and cultural centers on the global stage, with their own unique charms and attractions that draw visitors from all over the world.


Singapore and London are two cities that are diverse in their own way. Although Singapore is much smaller than London, it packs a big punch. Singapore is a highly multicultural city-state, with a population of around 5.7 million people of various ethnicities, religions, and cultures. It is a melting pot of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and many other cultures.

London, on the other hand, is a global city and a hub of diversity. As one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of over 8.9 million people, London is home to people from all over the world. It is considered one of the most culturally diverse cities on the planet, with over 300 languages spoken.

While London may have a larger population and more diverse cultures, Singapore also has an impressive mix of cultures and is highly regarded for its multiculturalism. Both cities are a testament to the beauty of diversity and showcase how different cultures can come together to create a unique and vibrant community.


Singapore and London are both considered as cultural hubs of their respective regions. However, Singapore is relatively smaller compared to London. Despite being a smaller country, Singapore is home to a diverse and multicultural population.

Singapore has a population of about 5.7 million people, of which 74.3% are of Chinese ethnicity, followed by Malays, Indians, and others. The country’s multiculturalism is reflected in its diverse cuisines, festivals, and religious practices.

On the other hand, London has a much larger population of about 9 million people, with over 40% of the population belonging to ethnic minority groups, such as Black, Asian, and others. London is often referred to as the “world in one city,” due to its cultural diversity and the variety of ethnic communities that call it home.

Overall, while London may have a slightly more diverse population, Singapore’s multiculturalism is still significant and contributes greatly to the country’s unique identity and rich cultural heritage.


According to the United Nations, Singapore’s population in 2020 was approximately 5.7 million people. In comparison, the population of Greater London was estimated to be around 9 million people. This means that the population of London is significantly larger than that of Singapore.


Singapore is a multi-ethnic society with a diverse population. According to the 2000 census, Singapore had a population of approximately 4 million people. The major ethnic groups in Singapore include Chinese, Malays, and Indians, with smaller populations of Eurasians and other groups. In contrast, London had a population of approximately 8 million people in 2000, comprising a more diverse mix of ethnicities. London is home to people from all over the world, including large populations of South Asians, African-Caribbeans, and Middle Easterners, as well as significant numbers of Europeans and Americans. While Singapore is a diverse society, it is much smaller and more homogenous than London in terms of its ethnic makeup. Despite the differences in size and diversity, both cities have thriving cultural scenes, with museums, theaters, and other cultural institutions catering to the interests of their respective populations.


London is one of the most popular cities in the world, known for its rich history and culture. In terms of size, London has a total area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers. Singapore, on the other hand, has a total area of around 728 square kilometers. This means that London is more than twice the size of Singapore. Despite being smaller, Singapore has a population of around 5.8 million, which is more than double the population of London at approximately 2.8 million. Both cities have their unique features and attract many visitors each year. London has a diverse range of attractions, including historic landmarks, museums, and cultural events, while Singapore is known for its modern architecture, cleanliness, and bustling street markets. Singapore has a well-developed transportation system, while London has a 24-hour underground train service. Despite their differences, both these cities are vibrant and cosmopolitan, offering visitors a unique and unforgettable experience.


Singapore and London are two diverse cities in their own ways. While London is much bigger than Singapore in terms of area, Singapore makes up for it in terms of diversity. Singapore is a multicultural city-state with a population of around 5.7 million people living in an area of just 725.7 square kilometers. This means that Singapore is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

In contrast, London has a land area of over 1,570 square kilometers and a population of around 8.9 million people. Despite its size, the city is also known for its cultural diversity, with people from all over the world living and working alongside one another.

However, Singapore has a unique blend of cultures, with Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western influences. This is reflected in the cuisine, architecture, and the way of life of the Singaporeans. Singaporeans celebrate a diverse range of festivals throughout the year, from Chinese New Year to Diwali, reflecting the cultural fabric of the city.

Therefore, even though London is bigger than Singapore, Singapore’s diversity makes it no less of a global city.


Both Singapore and London are multicultural cities. However, Singapore is relatively small compared to London. In 2021, Singapore has a population of approximately 5.7 million, while London’s population is estimated at over 8.9 million. Despite the size difference, Singapore has a diverse mix of ethnic and cultural groups, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Eurasian. This diverse population has allowed Singapore to develop a unique mix of cultures, which is evident in its food, language, and festivals. It’s also reflected in the city’s architecture and neighborhoods. Similarly, London is also home to a diverse range of cultures, with over 300 languages spoken in the city. The city boasts a unique mix of cuisines, festivals, and cultural landmarks, such as the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum. It’s evident that both cities are multicultural, but Singapore offers a more concentrated and unique mix of cultures despite being smaller in size.


In 2021, the population of Singapore is approximately 5.7 million people according to the World Bank. In contrast, the population of London is much larger at approximately 9 million people according to the Office for National Statistics. Therefore, the population of London is significantly bigger than the population of Singapore.


As of 2021, Singapore has a population of approximately 5.7 million people, while London has a population of approximately 9.3 million people. Given the smaller size of Singapore, the city-state has a highly diverse population with residents of various nationalities. Some of the largest ethnic groups in Singapore are Chinese (76.2%), Malay (15.0%), and Indian (7.4%). Other significant nationalities in Singapore include Eurasians and expatriates from all over the world.

how big is singapore compared to london

Similarly, London is known for being an incredibly diverse city, with immigrants from all over the world calling it home. While there is no official data on the ethnic breakdown of the population, estimates suggest that around 59.8% of the population is white British. Other significant ethnic groups include Asian (18.4%), black (13.3%), and mixed-race (5.9%). As a result, London is often described as a “melting pot” of cultures and nationalities, with residents from all corners of the globe.

Singapore is a small island country located in Southeast Asia, while London is a large city in the United Kingdom. Singapore has a total area of approximately 728 square kilometers, while London has a total area of approximately 1,572 square kilometers. Therefore, London is about twice as big as Singapore in terms of land area. Despite its small size, Singapore has a well-developed economy and is considered one of the world’s leading financial centers. It is also known for its cleanliness, safety, and modern infrastructure. London, on the other hand, is one of the world’s most influential cities and is a global hub for business, culture, and commerce. It is home to many historical landmarks, such as Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London, as well as numerous museums, art galleries, and theaters. While Singapore may be smaller than London in terms of land area, it has managed to establish itself as a major player on the global stage, thanks to its strategic location, modern economy, and innovative policies.


In conclusion, when comparing the sizes of Singapore and London, it is clear that London is the larger city in terms of both population and land area. With a population of over 8 million people and a land area of 1,572 square kilometers, London is over 20 times larger than Singapore, which has a population of around 5.7 million people and a land area of just 728.3 square kilometers. However, despite its smaller size, Singapore has managed to establish itself as a thriving city-state and global leader in a number of areas, including finance, education, and technology.

While London may be larger than Singapore, it is important to note that both cities have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. London’s larger size and population allow for a greater diversity of people, cultures, and perspectives, while Singapore’s smaller size and more centralized government can make it easier to implement policies and initiatives.

Overall, whether you prefer the bustling energy of a larger city like London or the more compact and efficient layout of Singapore, both cities offer a wealth of opportunities and experiences for residents and visitors alike. Regardless of which city you choose, there is no denying that both Singapore and London have played important roles in shaping the modern world, and will continue to do so for years to come.